Cadet Scheme
Learning to glide is a great skill for young people to learn. It teaches self-reliance and confidence, and also encourages teamwork, often with those in a different generation.
It also helps with understanding of physics and engineering.
We have a very special low cost scheme for teenagers who want to learn to fly and are prepared to make a commitment to attend frequently. We call this the Cadet Scheme. Uniforms and marching are not involved! Teenagers may join as junior members and pay for their flying as it happens, or they can apply to the Cadet Scheme, where for £35 each month they are entitled to three winch launches each weekend on a Saturday or a Sunday with one of our volunteer instructors.

It is our wish that they stay with us, flying solo and progressing over the years, maybe up to instructor level themselves. We ask that they attend at least one day on 39* weekends a year, and while here they are expected to join in like any other member in activities connected with flying. That could be washing a glider, it could be manning the radio in the mobile control tower, or any number of other jobs at the launch-point.

If you are interested email and ask for an application form. We will sit down with you and a parent and discuss what is involved.
*If you come from a split family and this is difficult we can offer some flexibility.
If you are not sure what gliding is all about this video filmed at our club may help: